Providing strategies for teachers

(to support you from your degree through those first critical years and beyond)

Providing strategies for teachers

(to support you from your degree through those first critical years and beyond)

My passion is supporting future and new teachers by guiding you from the beginning stages of your student teaching through the first years of your career in the classroom. It is an incredible journey and I am here to help you navigate through it.



The past 14 years have been enriching, enlightening, and sometimes challenging.  I spent the first ten years in the classroom where I taught first, third, and fourth grades. For the past four years, I’ve been out of the classroom supporting teachers in several capacities – lead coach (mentoring new teachers and student teachers), data specialist, test coordinator, 504 coordinator, & curriculum specialist… just to name a few.
Passion + Experience + Knowledge + Desire = A Wonderful Opportunity for You


I've been in your shoes...

Some days are easier than others...

Many days are overwhelming, exhausting, and leave you with a million questions.

The good news is that those feelings are completely normal and part of the learning process. If it was easy - we'd have a surplus of teachers.


Several years ago, I knew that I could have a greater impact on students by supporting teachers. 

I began to offer all new teachers (student teachers, new to the profession, or new to our building) my contact information as soon as they were hired so they could reach out any time. I wanted them to feel comfortable, prepared, and be excited to join our school.  I’ve continued to do so over the years, providing strategies for teachers, and became recognized by the Department of Education as a lead coach.


My ^role is clear!

I am so fortunate and happy to support teachers AND students everyday. Now I am bringing my passion, knowledge, experience, and support to teachers everywhere because I truly believe having a coach and mentor is what can make or break the first years of your teaching experience.
About Images

What do I bring to the table?

      When I was in the classroom, I used to create this visual…

“Has your family ever gone to a gathering?  Maybe a family holiday or to someone’s house for a BBQ?  Have you ever noticed that your family usually brings something?  Dessert or a big platter of Mac & Cheese.  That’s because in order to come to the party, you have to bring something to the table.”  So, what do I bring to the table?

      I bring an individualized approach.  I am going to meet you where you are, where you need.  Do you need suggestions on interviewing techniques?  How about support in comprehensive, interdisciplinary lesson writing?  What about beginning of the year routines or fostering a welcoming and warm classroom culture?  Maybe you want to work on communicating with families?  Are you having issues with classroom management?  What about the alphabet soup of acronyms: IEPs, SPED, FBA, RTI, BIP, ICT – What do they mean?

      I bring leadership, professionalism, empowerment, and knowledge to help you grow as the educator you always dreamed you could be. 

What are you going to bring?


Let's Get Started!

Hopefully, you’ve signed up for your free comprehensive guide.  If not, grab it HERE ↓
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If you’re looking to start getting support right now, click below to receive a short survey so I can better get to know you, what you’re looking for, and how I can support you.  I really am so excited to support you on this journey!